There are substantial benefits of a national or state play therapy organisation affiliating to PTI. These include:
Benefits of Affiliation
- Easier start up – save time and trouble by using PTI’s experience of setting up similar organisations. Many founder members have the necessary therapeutic experience and management skills but haven’t set up a professional organisation from scratch before. PTI will reduce your learning curve.
- Faster growth – once the organisation is up and running it needs to grow quickly to become financially viable. PTI strategies and range of promotional materials and services, which can easily be adapted to the local market needs will greatly assist this process
- Enhanced image – the connection with and support of a PTI as a world wide body will enhance the image that you create locally. Certification and accreditation by an international authority usually carries greater weight than a local organisation on its own.
- Greater range of membership services – your organisation benefits from the value added services provided by PTI which will help to justify membership fees and attract members in the first place at less cost than creating them locally – see below.
- Less time, effort and cost spent on administration – through licencing PTI’s procedures and systems
- Better international participation – through reciprocal representation on each organisation’s Boards and through participation in global and regional events such as the ‘World Congress’. – an international network
Your organisation will enjoy total autonomy plus the support of a larger organisation – you decide the policies and actions best suited to your country’s needs but have the benefit of a supporting umbrella.
Membership services provided by PTI to affiliated organisations:
- Financial support – a significant contribution towards the costs of start up and events to publicise the organisation to attract members
- Advice on the structure of the organisation, provision of documentation and a Board member
- Publicity material for translation and adaptation
- Free web site registration and hosting for the organisation
- Draft Ethical System documentation ready for adaptation and translation
- Draft Training and Education standards ready for adaptation and translation
- Draft Profession Structure Model, including competency framework, ready for adaptation and translation
- Key-note speakers and facilitators for conference and training events
- Access at preferential rates to the Academy of Play and Child Psychotherapy (APAC)’s Certificate, Diploma and Masters in Practice Based Play Therapy training programme including liaison with local universities.
- Copies of the full colour ‘Play for Life’ practitioner journal for your members published four times a year – at least 80 pages a year of clinical and practical articles. Space is available in each issue for news and contributions from your country, which saves your organisation the effort and cost of producing your own high quality journal.
- Access to PTI’s international database of play therapy outcomes research allowing input of your members’ case data, analysis and comparison with practice outcomes in other countries
- Discounted rates for your members for PTI supported conferences and training events