There is a variety of practice throughout the world. In Canada and the USA play therapy services are mainly provided by independent practitioners working through health insurance schemes. In Europe play therapy services are funded by government as well as being available privately.
Finding Therapeutic Help for Children With Emotional, Behaviour and Mental Health Problems
- Using an independent play therapist or practitioner (for which you will have to pay a fee)
- Using a therapist whose services are fully or partly funded by local authority children’s, education, social, or health services, a charity or some other agency.
Consult a doctor if the child has a severe mental health problem
Using an independent PTI registered play/creative arts therapist
Check the availability of PTI registered therapists through your country’s affiliated organisation, who maintain registers of certified and accredited Play Therapists and Practitioners of Therapeutic Play – see contact details.
PTI maintains the registers for the United States and some other countries where an affiliated organisation has not yet been established.
Please click here to check and use the Play Therapy Register.
Check their membership card – if in any doubt contact us.
Ask the therapist to carry out an assessment, then agree the objectives of the therapy, number of sessions and fees.